
Malvern Electorate

IBAC report exposes Labor-union chaos in fires

Wednesday 25 September 2024

IBAC report exposes Labor-union chaos in fire services

The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) special report tabled today has identified shocking behaviour by employees of the then-Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) and members of the United Firefighters Union (UFU).

According to the Operation Turton report, MFB employees were found by IBAC to be “motivated to misuse MFB information to further the interests of the Victorian branch of the United Firefighters Union (UFU) or its Secretary, Peter Marshall”.

MFB employees who were also UFU members were found to have hacked the emails of the then-MFB Board President to seek information on any potential WorkCover bullying investigation concerning UFU Secretary Peter Marshall.

Confidential information leaked to Mr Marshall was then used to demand the then-Minister for Emergency Services, Lisa Neville, order the MFB Board to not proceed with a new software system which was opposed by the UFU.

Minister Neville subsequently instructed the Board “you can’t have it” in relation to the new software. Ms Neville was also found to be unable to substantiate her claim that she had reported to her Department instances where Peter Marshall had clearly had access to unauthorised information.

IBAC also found that the so-called ‘consult and agree’ clause in the MFB enterprise bargaining agreement “gave the UFU a significant level of influence over the operations of the MFB. The clause impaired MFB’s governance and ability to operate effectively and efficiently, giving rise to a misconduct and corruption vulnerability within the organisation”.

Additionally, IBAC found that despite the transition from the MFB to Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV), “…the risks identified in Operation Turton continue”.

Shadow Attorney-General, Michael O’Brien, said: “This report by the corruption watchdog demonstrates that the Labor Government prefers appeasing union boss Peter Marshall to protecting the safety of Victorians.

“Labor taxes Victorian families over $1 billion a year to pay for our fire services, yet this report shows a dysfunctional culture of hacking, leaking and loyalty to the union at the expense of the public interest.

“The last Labor Minister to stand up to Peter Marshall was the late Jane Garrett, whose courage shames every Labor Premier and Minister who has kowtowed to the UFU since.

“This bombshell report shows that, once again, this Labor Government cannot be trusted to put the public interest ahead of the interests of dodgy union mates.”

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