
Statement on International Women’s Day

Today marks International Women’s Day with the 2021 theme being “choose to challenge”.

When we see things that are wrong, that are unfair or unequal, we should choose to challenge.

When we see cultures or structures that don’t allow women to reach their potential, we should choose to challenge.

When we see women feeling unsafe or unheard or unvalued, we should choose to challenge.

Politics in this country is robust, as it should be. Debate and criticism are legitimate and important elements of political discourse.

But Parliaments have work to do before they can honestly say that they offer a place where women are always safe, heard, valued and able to reach their potential.

It is not just women who are encouraged to choose to challenge. Men who believe in equality of opportunity are encouraged to act as well.

As a passionate believer in equality of opportunity – a fundamental value of the Liberal Party – I will work with my colleagues to challenge our Parliament to be a better, safer and fairer place for women.

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