
Victoria – the drug trade capital under Daniel Andrews

A report released today by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) confirms Victoria is the drug capital of Australia under the Andrews Labor Government.  

The Illicit Drug Data Report 2018-19 shows a dramatic increase in the prevalence of drugs throughout the Victorian community, including:  

  • seizures of heroin increased by 122 per cent, with more than 3,184kg confiscated.  
  • Victoria accounts for almost half of all Australian cannabis seizures.  
  • ice and ecstasy seizures have soared 729 per cent over the last 12 months in Victoria.   
  • 91 hidden drug laboratories discovered.  

Instead of taking real action to get people off drugs and crack down on suppliers, Daniel Andrews has created the perfect storm of drug injecting centres and weak anti-bikie and organised crime laws.  

Drugs destroy lives and tear families and communities apart and with illicit drug use remaining a key driver of offending across the state – the best way to reduce crime is to get people off drugs and on the right path.  

The Andrews Labor Government must urgently get its priorities right, instead of using Victoria Police as a blunt tool to enforce his lockdown rules, Daniel Andrews must act to address the alarming drug trends that threaten our community safety.  

It’s little wonder that Victorians have lost confidence in Daniel Andrews’ ability to govern our state with Victoria now being the drug capital of Australia.   

Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Police & Community Safety, David Southwick:  

“Tragically, one of the only industries thriving at the moment is the illegal drug trade with drug offending and use spiking across our state. 

“It hasn’t taken long for Daniel Andrews to trash Victoria’s reputation as the world’s most liveable city to the city in lockdown and the state as the drug capital of Australia. 

“Labor has lost sight of our community safety priorities and while they are deploying drones to enforce lockdowns in suburban parks, drug dealers continue to thrive across the state.”  

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